Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Resuming our podcast series on the topic of "The 10 companions who were given glad tidings of Paradise", today's talk will be on 4th companion in the hadith, the 4th Khaleefah of Khulafah-ur-Rashidoon, Ali ibn Abi Talib R.A.
Ali R.A was known to be of a strong personality, a very good fighter and a trustworthy/eminent judge by previous 2 Khulafah under their leadership. He is also father of offsprings only through whom the lineage of Rasoolullah s.a.w survived. However, there is much more to his life and achievements than these which is summarized very well in this podcaat.
Listen to this podcast by Br Mohamed Trad on lineage and life of Ali ibn Abi Talib R.A.
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Today's podcast is on the life of the 3rd Sahaba r.a. mentioned in the hadith of glad tidings of paradise and the 3rd Khalifah of Islam, Uthman ibn Affan r.a.
We all know about him r.a. as shy and handsome person. However, not much has been talked about his achievements as Khalifah and his steadfasntness when it came to impelemting Islam comprehensively in the land. This aspect of his life seems to be pale in comparison with that of previous two Khulafah, Abu Bakar r.a. and Umar r.a., but in reality it is not. It is equally important and is to be learnt by all muslims on this earth.
You can click below links to listen to previous 2 podcast of the series.
Abu Bakar Siddique r.a.
Umar ibn Khattab r.a.
Listen to Br Mohamed Trad touch upon the character and accomplishments of Uthman ibn Affan r.a. in this podcast as he briefly walks through his Seerah.
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Continuing the series of podcasts we started from last podcast on the topic of "The 10 companions who were given glad tidings of Paradise", this podcast is on the life of the 2nd Sahaba r.a. mentioned in the hadith of glad tidings of paradise, in that order, Umar Ibn Al Khattab r.a., the 2nd Khalifah of Islam.
Click here to listen to first podcast of the series, on Abu Bakar r.a.
We all know Umar r.a as a strong built tall man having firm head on his shoulder, short tempered and being a good wrestler. We also know how he came about embracing Islam. However, what is not very widespread is his upbringing, his attitude towards muslims before embracing Islam, his very kind hearted nature behind his strong personality and his achievements as a Khalifah.
In this podcast listen to Br Mohamed Trad dig briefly into the Seerah of Umar r.a. and touch upon all the above mentioned aspects of his life.
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) has given glad tidings of Paradise to many Sahaba r.a in his lifetime. In one hadith he had given glad tidings to 10 Sahaba r.a. who is popularly known as 'Ashar-ul-Mubashireen'.
Br Mohamed Trad will go through life of all these 10 great Sahaba r.a in a series of talks starting today and shed light on why were they given the glad tidings. Today's podcast is dedicated to the life of Abu Bakar Siddique r.a. as he r.a is the first Sahaba mentioned in the hadith.
Listen to this podcast to know who is Abu Bakar r.a, what is his real name, why is he called as Siddique by Rasoolullah s.a.w, the kind of support he gave to rasoolullah s.a.w and the role he played in spreading Islam.
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Episode 50: Steadfastness during low time or personal moments |Sh Rian
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Adversity, Trials and Tribulation is part of every human's life. Man will be tested by Allah in various ways, levels, shape and form, more so with the ones who believes in Allah s.w.t, as Allah says in the Quran,
"Do the people think that they will be left to say 'We Believe' and they will not be tested?".
When best of the creations, Rasoolullah s.a.w, and the best of generations, Sahaba r.a, were tried and tested, do we then expect to enter Jannah without being tested, as Allah mentioned in the Quran? In this light, it is important to know and understand how to respond to these adversities as per the guidelines from Islam.
Listen to Sh Rian delve into this topic and enlighten us on how to face the adversities as instructed by Allah s.w.t and explained by the earlier Salaf Scholars.
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Episode 49: Attacks on Capitol Hill | Br Wassim Doureihi
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Recently we saw Trump supporters barged into Capitol Hill amid tight security and advance warning. Capitol Hill is a symbol and sacred house of Democracy. Both left wing Republicans and right wing Democrats believe in Democracy, rule by it, safeguard it, propagate it and uphold its values. In other words both are flagbearers of Democracy.
What is it then that pushed the right wing, hard core nationalist, Trump supporters to attack their own sacred house of Democracy? Is it just like any other attack or riots that we see else where in the world, or for that matter in America itself, or does it indicate a deep fissure within American society that has been present since many decades or centuries which we saw being exposed by last years black lives matters? More importantly is it a beginning of decline of America, and secular liberal world order, that can lay a breeding ground for Islam to come back as a new world order.
Listen to Br Wassim Doureihi dissect throught this recent attack on Capitol Hill and know how it can potentially be a good news for the Ummah on return of Islamic world order.
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Episode 48: Raising Leaders in the Next Generation | Br Mohamed Al-Wahwah
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Under the current world order, it has become the norm to see teenagers still being treated like immature youngsters so much so that it becomes so hard for them to take any decisions for themselves in their 20s and it takes for them to be in their 30s or 40s to contribute to any changes in society, and that too is bare minimum. The result of which is that we see the majority old aged politicians being in the position of ruling. This is in contrast to what it was under Islamic world order where teenagers used to head the task of conquering lands and ruling over them; likes of Osama bin Zayd (r.a.), Mohammed bin Qasim (r.a), Salahudding Ayyubi (r.a) and many more.
What is that which made these Sahabas (r.a) and Muslims thereafter very strong and mature in their young age to put them ahead of all seniors of their time? Why don't we see such developments and maturity in our young Ummah now? And how can we nurture these leadership qualities to produce great leaders like in the past?
Listen to Br Mohamed Al-Wahwah as he takes you through the Seerah of Rasoolullah s.a.w on how he raised young teenager Sahabas who went on to rule the world with absolute Justice and by Allah's laws.
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Episode 47: Positive Reinforcement - The way of the Prophet | Sh Riyan
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Shiekh Riyan discussed an important topic on positive reinforcement through the way of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
This episode is titled "What U.S. election results mean for Muslims, for U.S. and for the World" and is presented by Brother Wassim Doureihi.
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Episode 45: The Life of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz | Br Mohamed Trad
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Khalifa ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, popularly known as 5th Khalifa Rashida, was one of the astitute and righteous Khalifa that Ummah has ever seen after the 4 rightly guided Khulafah. He understood the true meaning and responsibilities of being a politician, that politics meant taking care of the affairs of the subjects and that he will be accountbale to Allah, which made him cry for hours on end and restrict himself to the simplest life that was filled with remembrance of Allah, death and the hereafter.
Our beloved Prophet s.a.w has indicated the first 4 Khulafa as rightly guided ones. Why then 'Umar Ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz, who became Khalifa after several Khulafa outside the Khulafa Rashida, popularly know to be similar to the Khulafa Rashida, if not same? What is his lineage and upbringing that contributed to it? And what are the lessons we take from it both as a parent and the Ummah?
Listen to Br Mohamed Trad talk about life of the great 'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz and ponder on the take away lessons.